Theodore Fu

My capstone thesis project is called Supersuits which is an exploration of the intersectional relationship between fashion and tech with my authentic design flare. The direction of this project is creating a bodysuit with the intent of trying to gear it towards rehabilitation focusing specifically on the lower waist region through a belt that is safely fitted with sensors and peltier modules. These suits are constructed with special HD screen printed textured fabric, 3D-printed components, and tech to give it that modernized superhero feel. With the suits I felt very compelled to really speak my true self, and very fortunately my prof Tanya White was super supportive and pushed me to do what I wanted to do.

Closing Statement
I think the connective tissue with me and my affection with fashion is the aspect of creativity and the notion of being able to experiment different shapes, fabrics, silhouettes, themes, etc. I felt that throughout 1st-3rd year it was all about learning all the foundational skills, learning how to draft properly, you must incorporate this and that, and although there was certainly a good amount of freedom to most of the projects, my design identity was still restrained. So when it came to this final year and being able to do literally anything I wanted, this was the opportunity to really let my authentic design roar. I’ve definitely seen improvement in my knowledge and skills, and know that fourth year was a pivotal point in which that I am better suited to tackle certain design challenges when met with one.